The Garnet Lounge posted the following message on their Facebook page:
"With more regret than words can express, we have to close our business and accept the defeat brought to us by our economy and the changes in our industry. Our last night will be tomorrow night, New Year's Eve. Please come out and see us, have some drinks and say goodbye. We will miss serving you at the Alibi and Garnet Lounge and will update you as our incredible crew finds new homes."
The Garnet Lounge has been open for 20+ years and is closing less than 2 months after their Bar Rescue episode debuted on Spike TV. The Bar Rescue Update Page has been updated to show this bar as closed.
Not a surprise. The owner is an idiot.
ReplyDeleteBars like this deserve their demise! Shameful!
ReplyDeleteMany of these bars are so far gone, and have so little capitol left, they were already going under regardless of Taffer, or anything else. If you don't have 3 months cash reserve, especially after relaunching….you're probably not going to make it.
ReplyDeleteEverything you see on this show is either distorted or made up altogether. The only thing that makes these owners idiots is that they invite Bar Rescue into their bar and actually believe that they are there to help them and not themselves.
ReplyDeleteHis show is called bar rescue and he didn't rescue anything, I think garnet lounge was actually one of his bigger turds.
ReplyDeleteThere are really only 4 types of bar owners, the one who needs it because they can't find sex partners anywhere else, the one that owns a bar because its the cheapest place for them to drink, the one who owns a bar because its the only place their band can play, and the rarest type, the one who owns bar because they want to make money... I didn't see any musical instruments in this episode and they obviously weren't making any money here, so that only leaves two choices I guess.
ReplyDeleteactually there has been 49 episodes and 39 bars are still open with 10 of them closing. That is a great stat. John did his job, it is up to the owner to keep it going. Some owners have and some haven't. This owner for the Alibi/Garnet Lounge just wanted his dick wet, and that was his down fall of the bar. His staff was worstless, and he should of cleaned house...
ReplyDeleteYou state that, over and over again, but have yet to share any facts.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, the bars that he's rescuing are FAILING. If ANY of them succeed long-term, then that's a success. ALL of them would have failed without him.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, being that they're all FAILING bars, they're being run by FAILING owners, and Jon can't necessarily teach every failing owner how to run a bar properly in such a short time. Or, in other words, if the owners don't stick to the plan and run them properly, and they fall back into their own habits, then of course the bar is going to fail. If they revert to doing what they were doing before, they're going to get the same exact results.
Most of these failing service industry businesses (bars, restaurants) are failing due to a degree of laziness. Jon can't make the owners work hard when he's not there. If they're not willing to put in the effort, then there's no saving the bar.
The fact of the matter is that with this format, it should be expected that the VAST MAJORITY of these bars end up failing; because it's just not logical to expect that all these failing owners are going to start working hard and change their entire business practices over the course of a week. Some of them don't even want Jon's advice. He provides them with a lot of valuable knowledge, but it's up to them to actually use it.
I would say that the first thing that makes the owners idiots is the fact that they've run their businesses into the ground. Whether or not calling Jon makes them more of an idiot, their failing business is the primary concern.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for your kids, seeing that their faces are attached to every dumbass post you make.
Taffer doesn't have much success with his female themed bars. The Garnet Lounge, Aura Nightclub, Swanky Bubbles - Renamed "Sheer", all closed. I think he hurts himself when he tries to pitch to a single female demographic. It only fragments the already limited market. It's true that 70+% of the bars he rescues are still open and that's an acceptable statistic but you should expect the places to be open after being featured on a national TV show. That's national advertising! I'm sure some of their increases in sales can be attributed to people who saw the show and are curious enough to go check it out.
ReplyDelete"The Annex" is doing just fine. Many of these bars have so much debt the redo cant put them into a positive cash flow or even if they do, it would be years to ultimately turn a profit.
ReplyDeleteI've been on the show, so I can personally put in my 2 cents and tell you the show is not made up whatsoever. Is it edited? Of course it is! You film for a week and it turns into 40 minutes if you're lucky. Fake though? Absolutely not!
ReplyDeleteAll out
ReplyDeleteDon't you think a complete remodel and thousands of dollars worth of new and upgraded equipment, not to mention training their generally incompetent staffs is worth a visit from Taffer and his crew - regardless of the motive? I sure do, IF they are serious about succeeding.
ReplyDeleteHow much does it hurt when you think? You're so stupid.
ReplyDeleteRochelle, that is the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard. Sure Taffer makes some money from the show, but how can u say that he comes in to help these owners just to benefit himself? If ur IQ was any higher than ur shoe size u would realize that Taffer coming in benefits BOTH parties, & if the owners still can't succeed after everything Jon gets for them, then they deserve to fail. I would advise u to think before u post, if that's even possible!
ReplyDeleteI could not have put it better myself. Many of these people are just buying time until their inevitable closing. Plus many don't listen to his advise because even though they know they are failing they still believe that their concept or management style works. Until they really embrace that they are the problem they will not make it even with the revamp. He can only do so much in a week. These people are there daily and many have had years to mess it up this bad. I would say his save percentage is pretty good. Remember the biggest problem is most of these folks have to recognize that they are failures and that is really hard to admit to your self. I don't care who u r. That takes a lot of courage. So for the ones that have great job.
ReplyDeleteYes that type of national attention alone is worth so much. U couldn't buy better advertising.
ReplyDeleteYou forget that the initial stats are given for the first 6-8 weeks after relaunch before the show airs. Those are his effect and what it can do. After that yes there may be some hype from the show but u also see if the owner reverts back to their old corrupt practices. So it is a matter of how much they embrace change. The bar business is constantly evolving. People are very fickle and people that hit bars grow up and out grow the bad scene so the next generation must be marketed to. If u aren't willing to change u r dead.
ReplyDeleteYou have a point, Taffer does do a great job on most every renovation, but the Garnet Lounge decor did appear tacky, like a cheap whorehouse, must've been a rush job?
ReplyDeleteYeah but the Annex was basically designed to lure students, not just women.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good point, the stats always show every job he completes does get a boost in customers and in revenue as a direct result of Taffer's work. Jon Taffer gets them in the door, but it's the bars job to keep them coming back.
ReplyDeleteThere are times they do go a little too far in entertaining and making an issue bigger than it really is, one replay that has me laughing every time is a small fire on a deep fryer, after dumping salt and making a fuss over a dead extinguisher, they get another fire extinguisher and blast it, next you see people choking and exiting the building to sirens blaring... not from smoke, but from the powder they sprayed all over from the extinguisher, then they're sweeping-up the powder on the floor.
ReplyDeleteSure a damp towel could've smothered that tiny fire, but that's boring.
I wouldn't say everything is made-up, dramatized, over-acted and edited yes.
ReplyDeleteBut the fact remains these are all poorly run bars, and Taffer's crew invests a lot of money into remodeling these places in exchange for some dramatic entertainment.
Any dying bar would be wise to get him in and draw some attention to their place, they also walk away with skilled training, technical information, and state of the art equipment ...not a bad deal.
so why are you on this page if you think the show is fake? Trolling much
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't think it was a rush job, I just think he went too far to make it a female theme. Yes, I thought it was kinda tacky décor, but I think making a successful female themed bar is very difficult . I don't think women go to bars in the same way men do. They don't go to bars to sit around with their friends and drink like guys do. They go to bars to meet men and/or to dance. When women go out to be with other women, they will go to a Starbucks or different kind of venue. Making a female bar fragments an already limited market. He assumes men will go where the women are but if the women don't show up the men won't go to a bar like that. Also, not all men go to bars just to meet women either, those guys won't go to a female themed bar but rather a sports bar or something more "man friendly" and thus he loses that market demo too. Taffer is an expert at what he does but he needs to rethink making female themed bars like The Garnet Lounge, Aura Nightclub, or Sheer, none of them survived.
ReplyDeleteThe whole staff were idiots from stem to stern. Doomed when nobody was fired.
ReplyDeleteWell in essence he didn't rescue them then and he failed as well
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of this except the part where you say women don't go to bars to sit around with their friends and drink....not all women go to bars to meet men and dance. Married women like to hang out, have conversations, listen to music and drink....with no interest in "meeting men" and hooking up....even my single friends don't necessarily want to meet's just a social thing.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. They have to edit for max drama but he does now his stuff and if u watch first episode he really didn't yell much. I think he may have been asked by production for that. The knowledge is there. You can see it
ReplyDeleteyour a moron . .this show is far from made up ..
ReplyDelete...because this website is here to peek behind the scenes and gauge the reality of Taffer's work,not take his edited claims at face value.
ReplyDeleteYeah those girls are trash and te cook was a complete retard as well as the owne
ReplyDeleteJohn shouldn't never help them to begin with he's way too talented to waste his time with those retards
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that idiot owner blamed his business failing on the economy. Look in the mirror buddy.
ReplyDeleteYou're all right ( except the original guy who blamed Taffer for the fail). I think too many people go into the bar business thinking they are going to live it up - drinking, having chicks, etc. they fail to understand it is a BUSINESS and you don't succeed in business by playing all day. I also think some people realize what I just said and call in Taffer to fix up their dump so they can sell it and get out.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like something that someone from the Piratz Tavern would say
ReplyDeleteThrough all seasons, Taffer is up 45 wins to 14 losses. Think you can do better with businesses that had only weeks or months before closing? Do they dramatize, of course, but the reality is, the man knows his sh*t and can turn most losers into winners, when they stick to the plan.
ReplyDeleteRochelle, through all seasons, Taffer is up 45 wins to 14 losses. Think you can do better with businesses that had only weeks or months before closing? Do they dramatize, of course, but the reality is, the man knows his sh*t and can turn most losers into winners, when they stick to the plan.
ReplyDeleteWell, in essence, obama didn't rescue America, then, and do he failed as well......
ReplyDeleteGo fugure!!
Hahaha! Sure does...
ReplyDeleteWas this the one with the drunk idiot manager that kept saying he was "all in"?
ReplyDeleteI like that... I mean Obama has everything to do with this conversation right.... OH wait I got it, you figured since a black dude commented that he's automatically an Obama supporter. Good job! Douchebag.
ReplyDeletesad to put all this money into remodeling these dives for them to just go out of business and at whos cost??? the cost is on our cable or sat bills!!! these networks spend big $$$ then sell the stations to resellers like the cable companies for so many dollars per month per subscriber. come on stop wasting $$ and lets lower our rates and get the economy back on track. our eco is so screwed up because of every company nickel and dimen us to death! thankyou spike tv for anouther failed attemp!
ReplyDeleteNope, the one your thinking of was Cashmere/Dual Ultra Nightclub, another 'rescued' bar that closed down.
ReplyDeleteAt least one person understands that you can lead a bar owner to whisky but you cant make him/her stop drinking. There is a reason most of the bars were failing and its the people that run and work in them. Unless they do a 180 degree turn in terms of their personal selves, He can only be the messenger.
ReplyDeleteI would have gone there just to try and hit on the barmaids. They aren't cougars to ME. Not at my age. A woman would have to be in her late 70s to be a cougar to me..... LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteSaw the repeat.. Jon blew it. Red velvet walls lol. It looked like a strip club. Targeted crowd was completely wrong... Too much of a age spread. No entertainment...
ReplyDeleteFirst off anyone that believes this is real is the first moron .. Secondly Give me an unlimited income and access to high end bar tenders / chefs / etc. And I (a person that doesn't drink or go to bars) Could save a high percentage of bars that I am paid to go rescue. IF the owners were not bad at it they wouldn't need him to come to them. I mean lets be honest a bar is a gold mine almost better than a casino. But hey It is all "movie magic" to make you want to watch the show. I mean come on if I owned a bar I would see if you put in cameras and definitely see them moving while you was watching me.
ReplyDeleteQuote: (You state that, over and over again, but have yet to share any facts.)
ReplyDeleteFacts? No, she's likely spouting off because of a another reality TV show. One of them remodeled her house, and supposedly had (or still has) an issue with sewage, sometime after the work was finished. She decided to sue for more than 2 million dollars.